‘Pay or OK’ at DER SPIEGEL: noyb sues Hamburg DPA

‘Pay or OK’ at DER SPIEGEL: noyb sues Hamburg DPA

‘Pay or OK’ at DER SPIEGEL: noyb sues Hamburg DPA

The complainant has now filed a lawsuit with the Hamburg Administrative Court to have the DPA’s decision overturned


The logo of the news magazin DER SPIEGEL and the slogan

from noyb.eu – My Privacy is None of Your Business https://ift.tt/OEh8jCx

Annual Report 2023 out now!

Annual Report 2023 out now!

Annual Report 2023 out now!

2023 was the year of major decisions leading to record fines against companies


Annual Report 2023

from noyb.eu – My Privacy is None of Your Business https://ift.tt/G8o3EXs

Analysis: GDPR Procedural Regulation enters critical phase

Analysis: GDPR Procedural Regulation enters critical phase

Analysis: GDPR Procedural Regulation enters critical phase

We have analysed the European Parliament’s and the European Council’s amendments to the Commission’s draft GDPR procedural regulation


Procedural Regulation Thumbnail

from noyb.eu – My Privacy is None of Your Business https://ift.tt/om91ZcO

noyb’s Consent Banner Report: How authorities actually decide

noyb’s Consent Banner Report: How authorities actually decide

noyb’s Consent Banner Report: How authorities actually decide

The report offers a comprehensive account of the EDPB taskforce’s report findings, compared with the positions taken by national DPAs


An illustration of a woman holding a magnifying glass. In the background, there are stylised browser windows and consent boxes. Also, there are multiple crumbled chocolate cookies which symbolise tracking cookies on websites.

from noyb.eu – My Privacy is None of Your Business https://ift.tt/Jn8gFmK

Microsoft’s Xandr grants GDPR rights at a rate of 0%

Microsoft’s Xandr grants GDPR rights at a rate of 0%

Microsoft’s Xandr grants GDPR rights at a rate of 0%

noyb has filed a GDPR complaint regarding transparency issues, the right of access and the use of inaccurate information about users


A document shredder in front of stacks of paper. A hand holds a document going through the shredder. The document has

from noyb.eu – My Privacy is None of Your Business https://ift.tt/LlI6Mm0